Mitochodrial DNA Case-Control Association
Studies. Estimation of the Statistical Power

| Power estimation | A posteriori power estimation | Sample size | Minimum difference |
Minimum difference
Frequency of risky haplogroup/SNP variant (p0)
It must be positive and less than 1

Sample size in controls     Is it a vector?
It must be positive and integer
Minimum sample size (Nco,min)     Maximum sample size (Nco,max)     Step
Nco,min , Nco,max and Step must be positive and integer
For computational reasons, Step should be a number higher than (Nco,max - Nco,min ) x 0.05

Sample size in cases     Is it a vector?
It must be positive and integer
Minimum sample size (Nca,min)     Maximum sample size (Nca,max)     Step
Nca,min , Nca,max and Step must be positive and integer
For computational reasons, Step should be a number higher than (Nca,max - Nca,min ) x 0.05

Total number of categories (N)
It must be positive and integer. The term categories refers to haplogroups or SNP variants (see examples for more information)
Significance level
A fixed value must be chosen
Desired power
A fixed value must be chosen

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